HI! Yes, I am back. It is finally winter break and I have the time to post something. It has been about two months that I have been away from this blog. I didn't really do anything really exciting from my little hiatus. Just the typical, school in the way type of thing. Anyway, I did explore New York City more. Even though I am a born and raised New Yorker, I still needed to explore a lot. I had a project to do and I went to Williamsburg in Brooklyn for the first time and went to Momofuku Milk Bar one day in November. I can tell you that I enjoy their famous cereal milk soft served ice cream. I had it for breakfast that day too. Later that day, I went to Manhattan to celebrate my best friend's birthday and just walked around Lexington Avenue and Central Park. By the evening, I got the try Insomnia Cookies for the very first time and I definitely fell in love. They bake the perfect cookies. Perfect as in, crunchy on the outside and chewy on the inside... I am drooling and craving for some of these cookies right now. Another day in November, I did more of my project in East Village in Manhattan. I got to try artichoke and crab pizza from the famous, Artichoke Basille's Pizza. OH MY... it is delicious. Then, during Thanksgiving break, I went to Virginia. I got to try Nando's because it recently opened in a mall nearby. It is definitely one of my favorite restaurants now. It's just amazing. Then I went back to school and did the usual and then I took my finals. I just recently went to take some photos of the famous Christmas-y things in New York City. Oh! I also found my love of spicing up my hot chocolate with whipped cream and pumpkin spice or just chocolate syrup. YUM. I also got creative with nail polish. I've found Hubert's Lemonade at a grocery store nearby as well. That's what I have been up too lately. Not so exciting, but I got to try new things, my favorite things... FOOD.
Monday, December 22, 2014
Sunday, October 19, 2014
Okay, I have been away from this blog for a while and my excuse is... school. In the beginning of the month, my friends and I planned to go pumpkin picking together because we thought it would be a nice hang out. We don't really hang out besides on campus before we have to go to class. It was nice to just have fun and take pictures at a farm near by. I haven't carved pumpkins since I was a little girl, probably about 6 or 7 years old. Yeah, that's a long time ago. With the pumpkin that I picked, I didn't carve it, only because I currently live in an apartment and there's no where to display it. Instead, I decided to make pumpkin puree and bake cookies. Pumpkin cookies are perfect for the fall season and I thought why not? I love baking and cooking and I barely do any of those activities. My cousin was having a birthday party the weekend after, so I waited a week to bake them. I followed a recipe that I've found on Pinterest and all I can say is that the cookies came out delicious! With a nice pumpkin spiced cream cheese frosting, it was amazing. From all of this, I recommend you on finding a perfect sized pumpkin and bake some lovely goodies.
Saturday, September 13, 2014
Exploring the Native Land.
It has been a long week and I needed to find a way to escape the stress that I have from school. My best friend, Lizette, and I decided to hang out yesterday and we basically did a little bit of exploring. Where we live, there's a diner that's a few blocks away from the both of us. While growing up in the area, we have never been there. We decided to get lunch there, and it was pretty good. After we were done, we got on the subway and went to 5th avenue. Lizette had to go to Tiffany&Co to purchase a birthday present for her sister. It felt like we were in the fabulous Breakfast at Tiffany's. After that, we decided to go take a stroll in Central Park. We got to see a sea lion while walking pass the zoo. We also sort of had our own personal photo shoot. We usually walk around the same perimeter, but we had a lot of time and decided to find the pond. The both of us have never been to the pond before. Once we got there, I felt like I was entering a fairytale-like getaway. The warm, breezy weather was relaxing and the view was amazing. I enjoy days like this. It's just the time to reevaluate and escape.
Virgin Piña Colada |
Pizzaburger Deluxe |
Tuesday, September 2, 2014
September is Bittersweet.
Hey there! It has been a while since... I've been starting my blog posts with that a lot lately. I have an excuse for that! I've been either busy or I haven't been doing anything exciting. I mean, I can post about my thoughts, but everything has been very personal lately and I just don't want to post those thoughts because they are personal and I don't feel comfortable sharing them on the internet. Anyway, moving on... It is September and there will always be mixed feelings about the month of September. Almost everyone goes back to school and summer vacation is over. It's still summer, but it no longer feels like summer. I know, it sounds bad. The perks about September? Well, it would have to be the autumn weather coming our way. I do get tired of the heat and I am looking forward to cooler weather. Now I'm bringing back the topic of school... today was my first day back in college, or according to other countries, university. It wasn't so bad, but I am already stressing out with the information that my professors provided about the courses. Plus, I was stressing out about textbooks and required reading materials. I had to order them quick and had to pay a little extra to get them delivered fast. I usually order them a few weeks before classes begin, but I kept making the mistake of ordering books that were never used throughout the semester last school year. I just wanted to be make sure that I actually needed those books. I got to see my friends, which was nice, but my mind is still on vacation. Also, today's weather was not helping me get past that mindset. Hopefully by next week, it'll get better and I will be back on track with things. September is the month to say farewell and hello.

Thursday, August 7, 2014
Don't Panic!
Hello there! It has been a while since I've last posted something. I've been enjoying my summer and I was away from my laptop for a long time. I am now back home and here I am on my lovely laptop. On Tuesday, August 5th, I went to an amazing concert. I went to see Panic! At The Disco and it was awesome. Brendon Urie, the lead singer, did his thing and all I can say is that he is one talented man. I didn't get to meet any of the musicians, but I did meet Panic! At The Disco's Manager. I could've met the lead singer of Magic Man, which was one of the opening bands, but the line was too long and I didn't want to miss anything. During that night, I got to discover a new band to like and I sang my heart out during the entire concert. I can say that music is so much better live.
Magic Man |
Walk The Moon |
Brendon Urie |
Dallon Weekes |
Zack Hall |
Saturday, July 19, 2014
Too Much Awesomeness.
Louis Vecchio |
Soren Hansen |
David Boyd |
Hayley Williams |
Taylor York |
Jeremy Davis |
Peter Lewis Kingston Wentz III (AKA Pete Wentz) |
Andy Hurley |
Patrick Stump |
Joe Trohman |
Last night was probably one of the best events that I've ever been to. As you can guess from the title of this post, there was too much awesomeness going on. I got to see two of my top favorite bands, Paramore and Fall Out Boy, live and it was an incredible experience. It was Monumentour. Waking up at 9 am to buy tickets for this concert was totally worth it. I got pretty good seats and I was screaming at the top of my lungs. New Politics opened the show for them and they were awesome live as well. I'm not much of a huge fan of them like my cousins, Jane and Henry, but I do like their music. During the concert, I got to see Kathryn Davis, Jeremy Davis's (the bassist of Paramore) wife, and baby Bliss, Jeremy's daughter, because they passed by my row. I can tell you that baby Bliss is as cute as she is in those Instagram photos. I was shocked when I saw them. I kind of fangirled for a bit. Anyway, when the show ended, my cousins and I had to wait for our ride and we found our way to the back and we found a group of girls lined up to meet... NEW POLITICS. Well, 2 out of 3 of them. I had the opportunity to meet them and I got pictures with them. Yeah, Monumentour was amazing.